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Who is behind the SafeBlood Donation (the “safe way of donating blood”)?

Category: How, where, when, what?

Someone has to take the fall, and mine is ideally suited for that, because I have no reputation to lose. I was very pleased that at the founding meeting of our non-profit association I was able to inspire and win over illustrious personalities such as, among others, the Aletheia co-founder Dr. Rainer Schregel or THE lawyer of the resistance par excellence, Philipp Kruse, for our cause. But they already have so much on their plates that they cannot commit themselves very much in terms of time. So from the beginning the main work was done by me – I have been working for safeblood for a year now, full time and free of charge. In the meantime, I have a few unnamed brownies (they prefer to stay in the background) who help out, but all the expenses, for example, I have paid out of my own pocket. This bag is now indeed quite badly shaken, and I am glad that a large part of our members helps with their membership fee to distribute the considerable expenses now on several shoulders.

I don’t like to expose myself, but I have no problem to stand up for an important cause with my name anytime and anywhere. If you google me you get a lot of hits, mainly about my activities as a musician, and at some point you end up on my private website and then think “what does this guy have to do with safeblood”? Well, there is quite a lot about me on this website, but I have also done many other things in my life. What it doesn’t say, for example, is that I studied all kinds of complementary medicine for about 20 years, in Switzerland, Germany, China and Thailand. And that I ran a naturopathic practice in the eighties and nineties, focusing on viruses, bacteria and vaccine damage. Bingo. I am not a lab book worm virologist, but could see day in and day out in my practice the advantages and disadvantages of dealing with viruses and bacteria correctly and without fear, as well as the disadvantages of vaccinations, in my patients. At that time HIV was exactly the same hype as today Corona and recently the monkey pox – at that time one went still on an unpleasant minority, in order to try out times how far one can go if one introduces the fascism slowly again – today it goes shamelessly and openly against the whole world.

Because I always had one foot in jail with my methods in my practice (that’s what you have to face when you help people get really healthy), I have always stayed under the radar – I never had a website for the practice, and that has worked out. Today, you can’t close a practice to me because I had long since left for other shores, but when Corona went off I knew from day one that there was a disastrous agenda being pushed through here, and when the vaccinations went off the disaster was complete. The blood issue came to my attention very quickly, and I kept hoping that someone else would tackle it. But nobody did, and so I did it myself. At the very beginning I asked Prof. Bhakdi for his opinion, and he thought it was great, but he also told me “you have to think very carefully if it is worth the effort – it is huge”. He was right, the effort is huge and the opponents are overwhelming, but the question whether the effort is worth it has never arisen for me – I have eight children and six grandchildren (by the way, all of them unsprayed and in the best of health thanks to an intact immune system), and I would like to be able to look them in the eye in the future when they ask me one day “what did you actually do against the rising fascism and the criminal politicians back then?” – I can then say “at least I have tried”.

George Della Pietra, Founder

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