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We have had good experience with this method, especially in Italy. We know that nothing works without pressure if we want to avoid mRNA-contaminated transfusion.

So the following procedure is recommended:

Here is the list of tests to do BEFORE requesting any health facility to have a blood transfusion from a trusted person:


If the health professionals do not agree to the dedicated/directed donation, show them the tests and tell them that you intend to do them again after their general blood transfusion, to check if there are any changes in the parameters.
Up to now no one has ever opposed, at least in Italy.

All of them are very afraid of claims for compensation.


  • Karen Davey says:

    I canโ€™t believe in this country that we donโ€™t have the provision to store our own blood or choose our preferred donor. Shame on the supposed leaders of this country for taking away our freedom of choice in this circumstance. How dare they insist that you can only get contaminated blood.

    • Stephanie Baldwin says:

      Yes it is shocking how this is not an option currently. If enough of us pool together to try and get this changed then there might be hope. I’m definitely up for pursuing this as have children I’d like to keep as nature intended if an emergency occurs.

  • Sue says:

    I have actually declined blood transfusions..
    Apparently no other solution and not alot of care factor either in our health system
    So I’m somewhat in a predicament.
    Better the devil I know…

  • Monique says:

    Yes when it comes to bodily autonomy Australia is so far behind. Even the lack of freedom re saying no to a blood transfusion because they don’t separate va*ed from unva*ed blood…my husband recently had to have another operation…was made to feel like a non-compliant PIA when he said he didn’t want to consent to blood or blood products. He endured a 15min barrage of ridicule…he ended up just saying just put me down as a JW then…the nurse said it would be easier if you just said religious excemption. He had told them he would have saline or Albumin if necessary…he was told that won’t be enough if the surgeon nicks your bowel…he said he better not nick my bowel then. I can remember when I wanted tobkeep my sons cord blood 15yrs ago…no option for that either sadly…that’s more valuable than gold…I so wish we’d been able to. It’s like a communist country when it comes to health…no choice. If we keep going down this road all people who remain indoctrinated or asleep will have that MRNA garbage in their blood. As a registered nurse of 25yrs who was given her marching orders 13.11.21 but came back 6.5mths later i can assure you there’s not a day goes by i ever think gash i wish I’d just trolled over and taken the shot. Thank you to safeblood for being a voice for medical freedom. I do hope we can get it up and running in Australia…I’d love to work for such a company. ๐Ÿ™

    • Administrator says:

      Yes, Australia is one of the worst – but we can not give up. Keep up the fight!

      • belinda says:

        We are from Australia and I had never even thought about blood transfusions until my husband was supposed to have one. As soon as we heard the words “Blood Products” we froze and said it goes against everything we believe to be true! The medical procedure is not going ahead! And yes, we all, especially in Australia need to keep up the fight…

        • Administrator says:

          yes, belinda. unfortunately australia is one of the worst countries in the world, when it comes to health freedom. and double yes, we really have to keep up the fight. especially, as there are many hospitals in australia, that refuse to perform an autotransfusion (, which in most cases helps to prevent a transfusion with a donor other than yourself. it might even be an option for your husband. insist at the hospital that they do an autotransfusion, and if they don’t, look for another hospital. if you find one, let me know, so i can put it on our list of friendly medical facilities ( as you can see there, australia is still no man’s land…

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